Free AI Signature Generator

Create personalized signatures in 60 different styles. Just enter your name or initials below and click "Generate Signatures" to choose your favourite signature!

Enter Your Name Or Initials

How it works

Create a unique signature just for you with AI


Enter Your Name Or Initials

After entering, click the “Generate Signature”button.


AI generates your signature in seconds

Our AI generates over 60 different signature styles for you at once.


Download or Copy your signature

Choose your favourite signature, click the Download or Copy button, and add it to any digital document.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I generate a signature with AI?

Of course! You can use our Free AI Signature Generator to create personalized signatures in over 60 different styles. Just enter your name or initials below and click "Generate Signatures" to choose your favorite signature!

Is the AI Signature Generator free to use?

Yes, the AI Signature Generator is completely free to use.

Can I change the signature after it's created?

Yes, you can use an image editor to adjust the size, color, and other aspects of the signature until you are satisfied.

Can I use the signature for official documents?

Whether a digitally generated signature can be used for official documents depends on legal regulations, document type, signature verification, and recipient acceptance.

How to apply the signature to a digital document?

After generating the signature, you can download a high-quality PNG image file with a transparent background. Insert this image file into your digital document.

Can I share my signature?

Yes, after generating the signature, you can download it for free in PNG image format to any of your devices.

Will there be more signature styles?

Yes, there will be more signature styles. Currently, our AI generates 60 different signature styles for you to choose from. In the future, we will add more styles.Coming soon...